A month ago I made a papercut that was inspired very much by a friend. It meant a lot to me so I wanted to keep it but I also wanted to share it with them. Normally I paint my papercuts on top of blank paper. I will usually keep these so I have some sort of keep sake for the things I give away. In this instance the background paper didn’t seem to be enough so I had the idea of re-painting it over wood. It worked out very well and she was happy to receive it. Since then I have made 5 more. This is the most recent. In the past month I have also learned what not to do otherwise I could say that I’d made 9 of these. Water based poly-acrylic on top of water based spray paint doesn’t work well. You get a big messy blur. I hope to post more of these in the future. Unfortunately, since they are extremely glossy, sometimes they don’t photograph or scan very well.
Monthly Archives: August 2013
Yeah, I know I said no more papercuts until I framed all of my small ones but one thing led to another…
My day:
Researching Stave Church architecture, Hans Christian Anderson and microscopic insect wing & feather patterns.
Plus I was listening to Joy Formidable all day which led to reading a little about Wales.
So, all of the above, plus it being a slow day and looking forward to watching Kon Tiki tonight somehow collaborated in my brain and made that thing up there.
And yes, this is my 5th “whale eats boat” papercut.
off to Kon Tiki……
Second to last coat. The last coat is kind of pricey acid free archival paint. I had success last month painting one on to wood, so I may try that again with some or all of these.
Guess we’ll see. Anyway, I’m designing, but not cutting, anything new until I have all of these framed and paired with their colored paper counterparts. Hopefully that goes smoothly.
We shall see. Maybe I’ll post photos of that as well.
Last night I woke up at 3 am and for some reason this ‘Epic’ battle idea was the first thing that came to my mind. The battle itself was not where my head was, I was thinking how amazing an old Soviet propaganda poster for the event would be. I have no idea why a vintage Soviet Propaganda poster about a battle in space was on my mind, but it probably has a lot to do with congestion and cold medicine and watching Doctor Who.
Thanks crazy brain….you’re the best.
(Given more time, I’d like to have made something closer to this.)
Yep, another papercut with bees.
I’ve been reading a lot of Hans Christian Anderson short stories lately. This was somewhat inspired by the very strange The Elf of the Rose (aka The Rose Elf) except (SPOILER)…
…my girl isn’t dead and you could hardly fit a head in that pot. There are some other influences here that shall be withheld.
I made the original version of this a while back. I came home one day to see that one of my cats had gotten it wet, but it wasn’t damaged too bad.
I decided to let it dry and then iron it between two sheets of paper. Who knew that when you iron spray paint, it turns into glue? Not me. I really like the idea of post situations to things I’ve made in the past and since this is the follow up to the Kelly Hogan cut, I decided that I should re-do it so it would be back in the world. There are a few improvements.
Anyway, here it is again, new and improved.
While waiting on the new Neko CD, in typical music completest behavior that I’ve had since I bought my first 7″ & discovered b-sides, I collected random non album tracks from recent years.
Obviously I needed a cover for my fake album.
And yes, I re-tagged the files with this image. I prefer it over looking at awful soundtrack cover art.
Most soundtracks have terrible art work. Right?
Breaking Bad is on in minutes….time to go.