Emptiness Keeps You SearchingI always make something for the solstices, and I try to for each equinox. This month I have been distracted by many things and I completely forgot that the autumnal equinox was today until Sunday morning. Unfortunately my Sunday was planned already, so I got up with Katurah at 4:30 on Monday and started designing this. I had the design done by 9:00 and had it all cut out by 4:00 pm. I try and knock out a papercut from start to finish on New Years Day, but that is the only time I do something at that pace. For some reason, doing one for today seemed important yesterday morning and here is the result. You should see some of my crazy alternate ideas for this.
I had on Richard & Linda Thompson, Jimmie Rodgers, The Divine Comedy, Galaxie 500 and House of Love most of the morning if you are wondering where my head was. This is not a representation of a real stone circle; I made it up, but it was inspired by the very few ocean side megalithic structures on the coast of France.
The symbol in the corner is the Wheel of the Year symbol for Mabon, which is today, with a bay branch inside of it.
I learned a lot about Mabon yesterday that I did not previously know.
This had several titles. I often have a hard time naming my work. I want it to represent what I was feeling while making it, but I also hate defining it. I infer so much from my inspirations that I wouldn’t want to nail down a specific meaning for anyone viewing it, so…husband/wife, brother/sister, widowed neighbors, orphans, cousins, strangers, someone in custody…your call.
I will tell you the boat is leaving.