I Can See It, But I Can't Feel ItSo many rabbit heads lately.
Perhaps it is because when I wake up, they are in my yard, and when the light is fading, they are in my yard.
My neighbor is an idiot who likes to kill predators and then complains about the population explosion of the things they prey on.

I do like the rabbits, but I also like having saplings and a garden that they don’t eat, so a normal amount of predators would be nice.
The pleasantries of rural living unfortunately come with the occasional redneck neighbor.
There are more rabbit headed characters in my future…

However, this papercut is more about wistful thoughts than rabbits in a carrot patch.

The Nights Are Getting LongerThis is another piece that I designed way back in October.
I did quite a few minor touch up’s and embellishments a few months ago, but this is more or less how it was designed last fall.
Poor mermaid second guessing her choices.
Hearts grow old.

It Comes In SightI made another backlit box for a friend.
This is in a floating frame and the color is translucent vellum.
If you put a light behind it or hang it in a window, it looks like it glows.
This is a simplified version of the poster girl from the Waxwing three year anniversary poster I made.

Emptiness Is A Place You're InThis is the second version of this.
If you follow me in Instagram, then you saw that the first one got destroyed due to me rushing the process.
Overall, it was good that I re-made it because I decided to add extra clouds and dress details that were absent in the original.
This is fairly small for me. 4.5″ x 6.5″
I found a small frame I liked and decided to make something to go in it.

VThe 5000th person visited this site today.
I know that isn’t a lot, but when I registered this page 22 months ago, I didn’t think I’d ever get that many.
Thanks to everyone in the 72 countries that have been here.

Here I Am, Little Lamb (study)This is a very tiny part of a much bigger thing.
I was working out the scale on the bonnet and collar to see how small I could make it.
Turns out, it’s going to be fairly large.
Since it is going to be a bigger papercut, I’m considering changing the faces and dresses.
We’ll see…

Some Are In The Darkness & Others In The LightNot too long ago a friend sent me a link that the John Michael Kohler Art Center in Sheboygan was accepting submissions to be considered for an upcoming exhibit focusing on fairy tales and folklore. I’ve been wanting to make a Little Red Riding Hood papercut for a while.
I’ve designed a couple that portrayed Red as an evil doer and the wolf as the victim, but I never cut them out.
In the original version, the wolf butchers the grandmother and feeds her to Red before devouring her himself, but I couldn’t think of an interesting way to portray that.
I was listening to a lot of Kurt Weill & Bertold Brecht while trying to come up with ideas and that was when I decided to combine the stories of Little Red Riding Hood and Die Moritat von Mackie Messer. So here I have made a Mackie Messer Bad Wolf ravening Little Red Jenny Towler.

If chosen, this will be in an exhibit throughout the summer.
If not chosen…