Last week I had my latest design printed so I could cut it out.
As if often the case, the woman didn’t understand my printing preferences and decided that she’d give me a deal and print it on extra thick, high quality paper.
Unfortunately for me, the medium she choose made them very difficult and time consuming to cut out.
In addition, it made taking them to work, to work on (I have a day job) unreasonable.
So I had a lot of time to kill at work since I had planned to work on this new large papercut.
As a joke I made a sad armadillo with a big ‘A’ behind it.
I was amused enough to continue through the letter’L’ and started cutting them out that night.
Slightly less than a week later, I’m up to ‘F’.
Sadly, I’m more eager to get back to cutting out my designs than continue with the alphabet, but I did storyboard up to ‘Z’…
… maybe later this year.