Some people don’t understand what I mean by scale.
The tether and ribs of the lantern on the left and the ribbons on the maypole on the right are the smallest parts of the papercut I’m making.
To determine the size of the finished piece, I need to know how small I can properly cut them out.
I will make one or two pieces to determine the scale the smallest piece needs to be in order to know the size of the finished work.
Often the theme of the finished piece is not reflected in the scale study, therefor I will sometimes create a new symbolism in the study that has no place in the parent piece.

These are the last four of the items I’m taking down to the Art Bar ‘tiny art’ show in Riverwest/Milwaukee for the opening next weekend.
Nine of the eleven pieces I made for the show all take place at night and have similar subject matter.
Also, all but two are double panes and the last one I made (bottom left above) has three panes of glass.
This is still kind of an experimental process for me, but I’m enjoying it, so it’s here to stay for a while.

*(top left was privately sold and will not be in the show)