2019: The year of… I don’t know.
Following my wonderful show at Gallery 224 in Port Washington in the fall of 2018, the always amazing Creeping Museum asked me to participate in their amazing Shirley Jackson tribute to celebrate the Haunting of Hill House. Shortly thereafter, the the fantastic Golden Horse Ranch Band contacted me to design their annual Barn Dance Apocalypse show poster. I was honored to do both.
Then, on Christmas day, I had a mini-stroke.
Two weeks later, the loving cat I had for 18 years died.
One week after that my cousin died.
Then 2019 happened.
I had ideas…
They did not happen.
I made several things…
They are in a drawer.
Last month, Gallery 224 reached out again. My only finished piece of 2019 will be available at their fundraiser on Dec. 5th.
I will post it this weekend.
Thank you to many friends and especially Frank Juarez for a year of kind words.