The solstice is at 10:48 (Central time) tonight.
Happy Midwinter.
Enjoy the darkness.
Author Archives: daniel
This was inspired by Tuonen Piika and Sielulintu.
It isn’t faithful to the story, but that doesn’t really matter.
No time to write more…
Some people don’t understand what I mean by scale.
The tether and ribs of the lantern on the left and the ribbons on the maypole on the right are the smallest parts of the papercut I’m making.
To determine the size of the finished piece, I need to know how small I can properly cut them out.
I will make one or two pieces to determine the scale the smallest piece needs to be in order to know the size of the finished work.
Often the theme of the finished piece is not reflected in the scale study, therefor I will sometimes create a new symbolism in the study that has no place in the parent piece.
These are the last four of the items I’m taking down to the Art Bar ‘tiny art’ show in Riverwest/Milwaukee for the opening next weekend.
Nine of the eleven pieces I made for the show all take place at night and have similar subject matter.
Also, all but two are double panes and the last one I made (bottom left above) has three panes of glass.
This is still kind of an experimental process for me, but I’m enjoying it, so it’s here to stay for a while.
*(top left was privately sold and will not be in the show)
The Art*Bar asked me to participate in their annual tiny art @ tiny prices show this year.
While, I don’t think I will have as much for sale as I did last year, I still should have 10 or so pieces there including these.
These all stemmed from a comment a co-worker made at the post office about how you don’t really need to worry about rabbits because they are harmless. I joked back that bunnies were the most malevolent animals of all and referenced the Holy Grail.
Anyway… these all started to come to me in the week that followed.
Watch out for bunnies.
This is the first large piece I made following my show at the Waxwing back in September. I was listening to the Chelsea Girl album by Nico quite a bit while I was designing and cutting this out. It is the first papercut I’ve made with three layers and three panes of glass. It looks very different in person than it does in this digital representation.
The Waxwing was the first place to show and sell my work and they are currently trying to move into a larger space. If you have ever been there, then you know how much more space would mean to the local art community; which in turn would make more locally made art and merchandise available to the public.
Please consider donating to their Kickstarter if you’d also like to see this happen.
My incentive has already been taken, but there are many more great things available.
If the above link doesn’t work, go here
A while back one of my good friends asked me to make “something with a Hammerhead shark”.
I think they will be good friends.