This is based on the Japanese folk story ‘The Hare of Inaba”.
My loose interpretation portrays Princess Yakami as a child with the hare as her guardian.
This is one of the few things I’ve made where nothing unpleasant is foreshadowed.
Author Archives: daniel
I was going to try and attempt to enter a Strathmore Paper contest, but after this trial, I’m not sure the detail is going to work for me.
I’ll give it another shot after I cut colored paper for two other cuts I finished last week.
Last week I had my latest design printed so I could cut it out.
As if often the case, the woman didn’t understand my printing preferences and decided that she’d give me a deal and print it on extra thick, high quality paper.
Unfortunately for me, the medium she choose made them very difficult and time consuming to cut out.
In addition, it made taking them to work, to work on (I have a day job) unreasonable.
So I had a lot of time to kill at work since I had planned to work on this new large papercut.
As a joke I made a sad armadillo with a big ‘A’ behind it.
I was amused enough to continue through the letter’L’ and started cutting them out that night.
Slightly less than a week later, I’m up to ‘F’.
Sadly, I’m more eager to get back to cutting out my designs than continue with the alphabet, but I did storyboard up to ‘Z’…
… maybe later this year.
I’ll be working on a large papercut for a while so I decided to post two small things.
The one on the left is a study for the large piece I’ll be working on. The finished character will have different hands, ears and skirt.
The piece on the right is something I made really quickly as a gift for a baby shower. I was trying to use the darker green to simulate thick glass and water. I’m not sure the thick glass element works, but oh well.
I had the idea to use two panes of glass to separate individual papercuts a long time ago, but I never got around to designing one.
This weekend I met with a group of artists who I’m going to be working with and the discussion we had inspired me to finally do it instead of continually saying, “next time”.
I know adding a pane of glass isn’t a unique idea or a giant leap, but it is something I’ve wanted to do.
I really like the depth that the heavy shadow under the main cutout creates.
I’d like to experiment with a third pane of glass, but unfortunately, unless I’m making very small cutouts, the amount of glass necessary makes them very heavy.
I look forward to making another one of these.
Now if only I could find some place that makes 4″ diameter custom embossers, I could try another idea…
I’m having some web issues.
Sorry if navigating here is troubling over this past week.
I’m working with my webhost on it.
I may have to take it down for a short period.
More later…
I’ve been wanting to make something similar to this for over a year. My rough sketches of ideas have ranged from children, to animals, to animal headed people reaching for the kite in the wires. Based on a song I was listening to about a girl in a storm, I decided to take that route. I might try framing this with two pieces of glass and then a background. I’ve never done that before so it may look horrible. We’ll see. That’s pretty far off though because I haven’t framed that last 4 things I’ve made.
I really need a flat file.