Rite Of SpringI always enjoy watching all the animals in my yard instinctively pair off and travel everywhere together in spring.
What seems so effortless for them is so difficult for people.
Maybe giant crow feathers will help.

I Want To Be ForgottenI finished this last week, but I’ve been blowing off posting it due to focusing on framing art to sell.
There’s a pretty simple message here; not every interesting person you’ve known wants to be included in your life forever.

The Empty Eyes of Mrs. Josephine RabbitI was wanting to make a papercut of a lonely widow.
I researched widows in history and literature and none really inspired me.
Not too long after, I was designing a different papercut and couldn’t remember the name of the farmer that killed Peter Rabbit’s dad (Mr. McGregor).
While looking it up, it occurred to me that Josephine Rabbit was a widow.
This scenario takes place later in her life.

JosephineThis is another small papercut I did trying to determine how to scale it into a larger piece.
I haven’t had much time to make pieces for sale lately because I was selected to include a unique piece in the upcoming John Michael Kohler Art Center Folklore & Legends exhibit.
I’ll post more on that later.
Some time soon, this piece along with more new and old work will be for sale at the Waxwing, and a new place for me, Sparrow Collective!
Look for a post on my Facebook page when they are available for purchase.

I Can See It, But I Can't Feel ItSo many rabbit heads lately.
Perhaps it is because when I wake up, they are in my yard, and when the light is fading, they are in my yard.
My neighbor is an idiot who likes to kill predators and then complains about the population explosion of the things they prey on.

I do like the rabbits, but I also like having saplings and a garden that they don’t eat, so a normal amount of predators would be nice.
The pleasantries of rural living unfortunately come with the occasional redneck neighbor.
There are more rabbit headed characters in my future…

However, this papercut is more about wistful thoughts than rabbits in a carrot patch.

Here I Am, Little Lamb (study)This is a very tiny part of a much bigger thing.
I was working out the scale on the bonnet and collar to see how small I could make it.
Turns out, it’s going to be fairly large.
Since it is going to be a bigger papercut, I’m considering changing the faces and dresses.
We’ll see…

What Was Sent To The Soldiers Wife

I was trying to come up with an idea for a fairy tale interpretation to submit for a local event and this was my first idea. It’s based on the Kurt Weill / Bertold Brecht song of the same name. I decide that this wasn’t “fairy tale” enough so I’m going to try and do something else, oddly enough, based on a different Bertold Brecht song.