Having Fun With No MoneySometimes joking around with your friends yields positive results.
I made a preliminary version of this last week, but I had some time on Friday to improve the design (and Sunday to re-cut it out).

Smile And The World Smiles With You

This is just me screwing around at work. I dug out my Looney Tunes DVD box sets the other day to show to a friend who hadn’t seen very many of them. We mainly watched Pepe Le Pew and Daffy Duck which often feature gas masks. This is pretty much a stolen idea from an episode with Bugs Bunny. Since vinyl is black and I’m painting them black I often have to first paint the record with a base color and then paint over it. I always use the same red or light blue because the dry fast and they look good in contrast with black. Due to all the humidity lately, the red didn’t completely dry when painted the bunny. I liked the record label red stain the paint left on the back side so I decided to post all three. I wasn’t sure what to name this so I went with the song title on the flip side since it appropriately fits my usual style.
(you can click the image for a larger view)

Misery Loves CompanyI’m still trying to get full use of my knuckle back so I designed some simple small papercuts that I’ll be doing over the next few days. I may not post all of them depending on how they turn out.

Tortuga Roulette I had a nice time in Chicago this weekend. I dropped off several papercuts to their new owners including this one for a young man named Dexter.

Black Heart RustleI haven’t posted in a long time due to many things. I was tearing pages out of the 1940’s dictionary again and came up with this when I read the definition for ‘rustle’.
There you go. I’ll have a more normal post later this week.

Your AddictionsYou know that dream where the girl with the bunny ears takes your teeth and starts eating them like apples?

I, said the SparrowI woke up this morning to find that my cats had knocked a book of nursery rhymes off the shelf. It was on the floor and had opened to the page with the murderous sparrow. I made some tea, stared blankly at my computer and decided to make a remorseless sparrow.
….”I”, said the sparrow, “with my bow and arrow”