It’s that time of year again where I get to see empty beer bottles and McDonald’s bags on the side of the road and hope I don’t get shot because I didn’t wear orange on my walk in the park.
I made a different version of this 4 years ago with the idea to do the entire Wisconsin ABC’s. I got bored after H.
Category Archives: roughs / doodles
I was just drawing swirls and I thought I had turned off my iPod; faintly in the background I heard Havalina by Pixies playing and so I added one to the tangle. There you go…
I’d like to get further away from using computers to edit my images before I cut them out, but digital pre-editing is such a time saver. Today was slow and I was sitting at my desk all afternoon waiting on news about my job. The news never came but my doodle got larger and more detailed until I decided to make it cut-out-able.
Not much to say about this. Generically, it’s about motivation, and ghosts.
Motivational ghosts; they aren’t the best muse.
Last night I woke up at 3 am and for some reason this ‘Epic’ battle idea was the first thing that came to my mind. The battle itself was not where my head was, I was thinking how amazing an old Soviet propaganda poster for the event would be. I have no idea why a vintage Soviet Propaganda poster about a battle in space was on my mind, but it probably has a lot to do with congestion and cold medicine and watching Doctor Who.
Thanks crazy brain….you’re the best.
(Given more time, I’d like to have made something closer to this.)
A friend just achieved a monumental goal towards a lifetime dream.
I was glad to be a small part of it. She expressed many words, thoughts and metaphors along the way.
One of them had to do with Ernest Shackleton whom I’ve also been an amateur admirer of for several years.
This is to do with the correlative situations.
I decided to scan this drawing side up.
Not much to say about it.
I had “invalid credentials” at work today and couldn’t log in to a single thing, which included the computer.
I made several doodles but this is the only one I kept.
Lots going on here……