Happy Birthday Louis Wain.

Louis WainI really like Louis Wain.
I really hate this papercut I made today, but I only had 20 minutes at the end of the day.
“Why not make a better one when you get home?”, asked nobody.
Because….well….I don’t have an answer for you nobody.  I just felt like making it now I guess.
I also have a lot to do when I get home.
“So why even post it at all?” pesky nobody shot back.
So I have a reminder of what ‘not trying’ looks like?
I don’t know….just because.

Ursidae Boy SpiritFlipping channels the other night I stopped on Ghost Rider (15 minutes of my life wasted) and it had a scene where the ‘devil’ was talking to Nick Cage about something stupid and when his shadow projected on the background it made a different shape. I first saw this in vampire films and the Simpsons parody of Dracula. It occurred to me that anyone could project anything in paper. I cut out a simple boy and bear and tried it out in positive and negative. I’m not that thrilled with it.
Something to develop in the future maybe.

SashikoNot very inspired lately.
Thought I’d hand draw something.
This is what the last two Los Campesinos albums on repeat inspired throughout the day.

What's Left To Believe InI was asked when I was very young if I would like to make some easy money at the next State Fair.
A thousand dollars sounds like a mountain of gold and unlimited possibilities when you are a kid.
I said yes.
In the end, there was no money, it certainly wasn’t easy and I was traumatized for a very long time.
After that summer, “easy money” was no longer something I sought out.

I Guess This Is The EndStrange things happen when melancholy music shuffles on to your i-pod on a melancholy Friday.
Believe it or not, this is based on a Suede b-side.
Perhaps it’s time to question why I have old Suede b-sides on my i-pod in the first place.

Elizabeth Rathbun

Elizabeth RathbunThis was a simple design I threw together to celebrate my grandma due to the fact that I was unable to attend her funeral.
I was unaware as a child that she also made art with alternative themes as my family only displayed her Spanish villa & church paintings.
Seeing her surreal watercolors as an adult was quite an eye opener. It’s reminiscent of Hieronymus Bosch but not quite as detailed.
I wish I knew what drove her to paint them in the late 40’s and early 50’s.

Heavens To BetsyMy friend Patty had commented that my solstice image didn’t fit well as a phone wallpaper and since the beginning of my work day on Friday was slow I decided to come up with “something”.
However, my day got busier and busier as it went on which left me little time to do any proper designing. Anyway, this is the result. Given another hour, I would have made a fancier label and cut into the red paper as well.