This is the last piece I’m making for the Art Bar ‘tiny art’ show running from November 7th through December 31. If you are interested in any of the last 10 things I have made, they will be for sale there on those dates. The address is 722 E. Burleigh St. in Milwaukee.
I’m also going to be in the Waxwing art show the following Friday.
I’m off to start making things for that…busy, busy.
Category Archives: small
This had many (many) titles before I settled on this one.
I was listening to a lot of the National and the Sandwitches while I was designing it.
Moving on…
Only a few more for the Art Bar ‘tiny art’ show and then I will to need to start on the Waxwing seasonal art show.
I have about a dozen things on the back-burner, but no time to complete them.
Woe is everything.
Hopefully postcard boxes will present themselves next week.
Anyway, thanks for looking….
The idea for this came to me yesterday while I was Googling “Internal Whale Organs”.
Years ago I made a papercut of a little kid by a campfire inside of whale and I wanted to remake it in a style more representative of the work I do now. In my original I just used a cartoon bubble void for the kid to be sitting in, but I was curious if the actual shape of a whales stomach could be used instead. For some reason generic teeth kept popping up among the images of whale stomachs. Eventually I though to myself, “What would live inside a tooth?” and I amusingly answered the thought with, “dead faeries”. I couldn’t shake the idea, so I made one.
I was watching “Number Please” by Harold Lloyd last night. In the beginning he is lonely and riding a roller-coaster by himself.
The title of this was in the description of how he was feeling.
After I finished this, I had to look in one of my many symbolism reference guides what color best represented ignorance. The answer is orange.
You may notice the orange ribbons in the girls hair.
I’m sure we all know someone very frustrating. This is one of mine.
Rather than grumble, I’m glad to be free of the hopelessness.
Yep, more ‘tiny art’ for the Art Bar show.
My goal is 15 pieces (this is 7).
At 2″ x 3″, this is probably one the smallest things I’ve made. I have a couple things close to this size and I still may use one frame that is smaller than this if I can come up with a good idea for it, but this will be the smallest framed piece I’ve had for sale so far. As with the last few, this will be for the “tiny art @ tiny prices” Art Bar show.
I played around with many different color variations for this and decided that less color was better.
The title has nothing to do with that process. I was talking about 78’s that I’m looking for with Katurah and ‘Love Is Blue’ came up.
After speaking about it, I’ve been listening to it a lot.
It’s a great song, especially in French.
I wasn’t exactly sure how to post this image. Normally I would not show the finished work framed, but I made this papercut specifically for this frame and there are elements in the cut that are meant to be hidden behind the wooden separations.
I have several frames like this only larger. This frame is 5″ x 10″ and the actual papercut is 3″ x 7″.
Basically this was my small experiment on how to possibly make one of these on a larger scale.
Normally I like to think that these speak for them selves, but this one actually looks better in person than it does in this representation.
I will try and take more photos. If one of them turns out, I will post it on my Facebook page on Monday.
This is the second of the pieces potentially going to the “tiny art @ tiny prices” show at the Art Bar. I say potentially because there is the possibility that I wont get enough made.
I designed something similar to this a few years ago and never cut it out. In the original, it was skeleton and a field worker with a hoe was pulling the hand reaching up like it was a weed.
There isn’t the space in these small pieces to add much detail or symbolism. This is only 2.5″ x 2.5″.
Not much going on here beyond the “child naive to tragedy or danger” theme that I often portray.
That kitty knows though.
Kitties know.
RIP Chloekitty
You will be missed.