I had to drive north to Green Bay yesterday and on the drive back home I was listening to music by my friend Eiren Caffall. I started reminiscing of a conversation we had the day we met about our favorite autoharp players.
We were both fond of Maybelle & Sara Carter and Hazel Dickens.
I tried to make this with someone holding an autoharp, but you couldn’t tell what was going on. I found a picture of Maybelle Carter flat picking a guitar that more or less looks like the person in this papercut to use instead.
When trying to come up with ideas how to use it, I thought of music lighting up a gaslight instead of a flame.
This is the third translucent piece I’ve made using vellum and a floating frame.
I’ll attach of photo of it back-lit in a window.
(please excuse my dirty windows)
I don’t think they were trying to convey the message that presents itself here, but this was created spending an evening listening to nothing but Danny Black and Christa Meyer lyrics.
Of course, who’s to say, we all like an epilogue.
Happy Thanksgiving?
On a recent visit to Chicago, the people I was staying with were talking about the film, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.
I sketched out some rough ideas of papercuts I could do about serial killers when I got home and came up with this.
This was inspired by the film Night of the Hunter.
I grew up in the Chihuahuan desert and Ciudad Juárez was only about 45 miles away. The last time I visited Juárez was in 1995 with my girlfriend from Chicago. My parents had asked us not to go, but we went anyway.
After we crossed the border and looked at some of the colorful knick knacks, we wandered away from the tourist strip trying to track down a music shop so I could buy a guitarrón for my room mate. We ended up being in some strange part of town and so I asked a local for directions to the music shop. He responded with, “How much for your pretty lady?” and we decided it was time to leave.
It wasn’t too long after that when all the shallow graves started being discovered around the edges of the city.
I originally had a longer title for this, but after I painted it on an old 78, I flipped the record over and the name of the song was lil’ Marlene, so I went with that.
I saw a picture of a woman pointing at her head the other day. When I was wondering to myself why someone would do that, the first amusing thought in my head was the image above.
I may change the colors of the buildings before I frame this. I don’t know…maybe not.
That’s supposed to be a cat by the way.
The razor slipped on the tail and shortening it makes it look like a dog.
If you really want it to be a dog, it’s your brain; it’s a dog.
I originally posted this last night, but I wasn’t happy with my color choices. I deleted the post this morning and took the image down so I could play with the colors some more.
I prefer these much more. I don’t have the option of any color I want, I can only use the colors of paper that are manufactured and sold at my local craft store.
There are places online where you can have any color paper you want created for you, but it is incredibly expensive and the volume you need to order would be a ten year supply for me.
For those of you on my e-mailing list who saw the original image, I hope you like this one better. I think the contrast is more suited to the image.
I’m also trying to use up some odd sized frames. This one is 6.5″ x 7.5″
I also slightly changed the title.
So many changes…