The Mast Will Crack And Your Lungs Will FloodI don’t know why, but a lot of semaphore imagery has been plaguing my head lately. When I saw the symbol for “hurricane”, I was hooked.
This is my first ‘floating’ black papercut. I’m normally very (VERY) against them, but it fit.
I’m going to look for a sepia map to use for the background.
If I find one I like, I will re-post the image, but for now, I’d rather keep it generic than post something I can’t actually reproduce.
Goodbye ship that will never return…

The Hum Is ComingMy friend, and talented artist, Zachary Worth asked me if I could make a small tornado papercut for his mom.
I had fun designing and cutting this.
I’ve done several storm clouds before, but it had never occurred to me to make a tornado.
I have designed a lot of windmill scenes and bridge scenes that I was never happy enough with to cut out, so it was nice to get them both out there.
I’m glad to hear Zak’s mom liked it.

Before The Sunshine Left Your EyesI started cutting this on Dec. 26th, but I had to put it down until yesterday and today due to many things.
When I designed this on the 23rd & 24th, I think the holidays were stressing me out as always. That, and listening to Waiting For The Moon too many times.
Hello… new year.

Made From Something Different

This is a commissioned piece I made for a friend.
The guidelines I was given were that it should include a fox, a raccoon, and a baby rabbit.
She left the composition up to me and this is what I came up with.
This is one of those pieces that looks much better in person.
I use textured paper that creates it’s own unique color and has depth & shadow. It is impossible to represent that effect on a digital screen.
I had to tweak some of the colors in Photoshop just so you can see the separation better, which isn’t necessary if you saw it in person.
This was my first raccoon and stork. I’m afraid I wont be making more raccoon’s any time soon.
It is too difficult to make them look unique.

OnceThis is a papercut I made of Frida Kahlo based on the picture of her when she was eleven.
It also includes elements of her painting “Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird”.

When you are shopping for a gift for someone who has everything by Frida Kahlo that you can find, it’s best just to make your own.

It's Moving Day

I designed this and about 4 others months ago, but then I shifted focus to making small papercuts for the Art Bar Show and the Waxwing shows In November.
I also worked on a commission over the last week, but I can’t post it until after the holiday.
Since I designed this so long ago, I don’t really remember what the inspiration was.
I was listening to Charlie Poole a lot as I was cutting it out, so I decided to use one of his song titles that seemed to fit with what little I remember about designing it.